Drink, dine and play at
Calabria Bowling Sports & Social Club!

We pride ourselves on being the most family-orientated and social activity-driven club on the Northern Beaches.

Upcoming Events

Our Activities

What Activity We do

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We Host Four Original And Still The Best Outdoor and Floodlit Futsal Courts On The Northern Beaches!



The Club’s synthetic green allows year-round lawn bowls for men and women players of all standards.


Events Calendar

Time: 7pm – 9:15pm

Every Monday to Thursday

Time: 7pm


check with the club for date and time

Mon-Fri 4pm-9:30pm
Sat 4pm-8:30pm
Sun 12pm-8:30pm

Time: 5pm

make a reservation

Dine at The Calabria Club

Restaurant Opening Hours:
7 nights from 4:30pm to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday
– Lunch from 12pm – 3pm
– Dinner 4pm to 9pm

For bookings, functions and kitchen please email or call:


(02) 9948 6677

Calabira Bowling Club

Manly Vale – Calabria Bowling, Sports and Social Club (MVBC) invites all members, guests, and patrons to enjoy our entertainment, sporting & dining facilities.

We pride ourselves on being the most family-orientated and social activity-driven club on the Northern Beaches. 
